RT Chief Editor Says RT Stringer in Yemen Received Death Threats After Colleague's Murder

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 05th June, 2020) Stringer of RT Arabic in Yemen Salah al-Aqlu received death threats after murder of his colleague, RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan said on Friday.

Earlier this week, unidentified people shot another Ruptly stringer Nabil Hasan al-Quaety, who also worked for AFP and other media, in Yemen's Aden near his home.

"In Yemen, our RT Arabic stringer Salah al-Aqlu received death threats. The threats began after his friend and colleague, who collaborated with our video agency Ruptly, was shot dead near his own house in Yemen," Simonyan said on Telegram.

She also thanked the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Russian ambassador in Yemen for helping to evacuate the journalist and his family.

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