Italy Records Nearly 47,000 Excess Deaths in March-April - Report

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 21st May, 2020) Italy saw almost 47,000 more deaths in March and April this year than during the same period last year, the National Institute for Social Security said in a report out this week.

"The period between March 1 and April 30, 2020 saw an increase of 46,909 deaths, compared to the expected 109,520," the report reads.

The government reported 27,938 coronavirus-related deaths at the end of April, according to the publication, titled Analysis of Mortality during the COVID-29 Epidemic.

The social security and pensions agency said that most of the deaths that make up the difference of 18,971 could be attributed "with due caution" to the ongoing pandemic.

Italy's coronavirus deaths reached 32,330 on Wednesday. The southern European country, which became the world's epicenter of the outbreak in March, currently has 62,752 active cases and 132,282 recoveries.

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