Russian Vaccine Against COVID-19 Likely to Enter Production by Summer's End - Academic

A vaccine against COVID-19 developed by N.F. Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology could be registered and enter production by the end of the summer, Director Alexander Gintsburg said

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 16th May, 2020) A vaccine against COVID-19 developed by N.F. Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology could be registered and enter production by the end of the summer, Director Alexander Gintsburg said.

He was interviewed for Dangerous Virus 5 documentary film broadcast by Russia 1 tv channel.

"By the summer's end, I think. I would like to think so, that's how I would reply," Gintsburg said when asked about when the vaccine's production and registration.

The director elaborated that the vaccine is currently at the stage of preclinical trials necessary to receive permission from the Health Ministry for human trials.

This stage will probably last another month, according to him.

The ministry is currently working out what facilities it could free to keep them busy with vaccine manufacturing, Gintsburg added.

Russia has confirmed a total of 272,043 COVID-19 cases. The death toll is at 2,537.

The development of a vaccine by the institute began in mid-February.

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