Libyan GNA Urges Lawmakers of Parliament in East to Side With It After Haftar's Statements

CAIRO (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 28th April, 2020) Libya's Government of National Accord (GNA) urged lawmakers of the parliament in the country's east to take its side after the announcement by Libyan National Army (LNA) commander Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar that the army was taking control of the country.

Haftar said in an address to the nation on Monday that the LNA was withdrawing from the 2015 Skhirat Political Agreement, which had led to the formation of the rival Tripoli-based GNA, adding that the "suspicious" deal had destroyed the country.

The GNA said Haftar's latest announcement "should convince everyone that an end should be put to his rebellious project."

"In this regard, we urge all members of the House of Representatives to join their colleagues in Tripoli, begin a comprehensive dialogue and continue the democratic path leading to a comprehensive and lasting solution through the ballot box," the GNA said.

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