Ireland to Evacuate Citizens From China on French Planes - Foreign Minister

Ireland is in talks with the French authorities to book seats on planes for its nationals who want to leave Wuhan in China, the foreign minister said

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 30th January, 2020) Ireland is in talks with the French authorities to book seats on planes for its nationals who want to leave Wuhan in China, the foreign minister said.

Simon Coveney said there was a small number of Irish citizens in Wuhan who would be brought back together with other EU nationals on chartered French planes, according to the public broadcaster RTE.

All those flying the two planes will be first quarantined in France for up to 14 days, which is the incubation period of the new strain of coronavirus that emerged in China.

The Irish Health Service Executive reportedly said no cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in Ireland. Anyone suspected of having the illness would be put into isolation. This also applies to flu cases.

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