Russia's Rosneft Discusses Vostok Oil Project With Partners From Asia-Pacific, Mideast

Russia's Rosneft is discussing the implementation of the Vostok Oil Arctic project with its partners from the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East and the West, the CEO of the energy company, Igor Sechin, said on Thursday at the Eurasian Economic Forum

VERONA (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 24th October, 2019) Russia's Rosneft is discussing the implementation of the Vostok Oil Arctic project with its partners from the Asia-Pacific region, the middle East and the West, the CEO of the energy company, Igor Sechin, said on Thursday at the Eurasian Economic Forum.

"We also propose to our partners participating in new projects. One of the most promising projects, which is also one of the biggest in the global sector, is called Vostok Oil, [it is located] on Taymyr [Peninsula in Russia's Siberia].

We are discussing its implementation, including with our partners from the Asia-Pacific Region, the Middle East and Western countries. Their representatives are present at the forum," Sechin said.

Oil deliveries are expected to reach up to 50 million tonnes annually after the launch of the first phase of the Vostok Oil project, and up to 100 million tonnes annually after the launch of its second phase, according to Rosneft CEO,

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