Ukraine Plans to Coordinate Bills on Donbas Special Status With Russia - Lawmaker

Ukraine plans to coordinate with Russia the bills on granting a special status to the breakaway Donbas region, lawmaker Bohdan Yaremenko from the Servant of the People faction said on Friday

KIEV (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 04th October, 2019) Ukraine plans to coordinate with Russia the bills on granting a special status to the breakaway Donbas region, lawmaker Bohdan Yaremenko from the Servant of the People faction said on Friday.

"Everything related to Donbas status and how we will pass these laws in the [Verkhovna] Rada will be not solely a decision of the Verkhovna Rada, the position will be coordinated with Russia.

Our attempts to hold a referendum on the matter may be theoretically seen by Russia as Ukraine's attempt not to fulfill its commitments, this could disrupt peace agreements," Yeremenko told reporters, as aired by 112 Ukraine broadcaster,

On Tuesday, the Contact Group on Ukraine in the Belarusian capital of Minsk agreed on the so-called "Steinmeier formula," which stipulates that the parties involved should hold free and fair local elections in Donbas under Ukrainian law. In exchange, the region should receive a special self-governance status.

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