Federal Tax Authority launches upgraded website

ABU DHABI, (Pakistan Point News - 02nd Jul, 2019) The Federal Tax Authority, FTA, has announced the launch its new website, upgraded with advanced display technology. The new site offers users a bundle of services and amenities, facilitates user access to information on the UAE tax system and procedures and allows them to submit their forms online.

In a press statement issued today the FTA asserted that the upgraded website is a comprehensive digital platform that offers users guidance as well as online services, with the site designed as a user-friendly e-learning experience that facilitates access to information through advanced search features and form automation.

Commenting on the announcement, FTA Director-General Khalid Ali Al Bustani said, "The Federal Tax Authority has designed its new website in accordance with international best practices. The site plays a fundamental role as the main platform of the Federal Tax Authority in order to keep pace with the rapid technological development in this area. It has been configured to provide the best services for business, facilitate optimum access to customers and employs the latest technologies to enhance interaction between the authority and the various business sectors around the clock.'' "This platform provides all necessary guidance to support tax compliance. The website contributes to enhancing interaction with users and facilitating access to information through a range of features, such as advanced search through files, and search for tax agents and clearance companies by name and geographical location.

All forms have been automated to ensure the validity of the data submitted to the authority and thus help speed-up the authority’s response to taxpayers’ requests. The site also provides a comprehensive tax library for all guides, e-learning programs, videos and simplified graphics," he added.

"The new and improved FTA website stands out for its clear and seamless layout," the FTA Director-General explained. "Its Primary focus is to meet user expectations and requirements, offering them a rich, beneficial, and attractive experience and easy navigating with a maximum of three clicks to reach the desired page. The website boasts advanced search functions, minimalistic design and a comprehensive, alphabetically-catalogued tax library."

Al Bustani said that he hoped the new website would contribute to improving the electronic experience of taxpayers and that it would enhance user interaction. He invited all concerned to browse the site and benefit from its services.

"Launching the new FTA website, which has been designed according to the highest international standards, falls under the authority’s efforts to continuously upgrade its electronic systems to administer taxes efficiently, providing fast and easy procedures and helping users to ensure compliance with their tax laws," he concluded.

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