UK's New Prime Minister to Assume Office on July 24 - Spokesperson

LONDON (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 26th June, 2019) The United Kingdom's new prime minister will take office on July 24, a spokesperson for the prime minister said on Tuesday.

The UK Conservative Party said earlier on Tuesday that its new leader would be announced on July 23 after its 160,000 members voted to chose between the two remaining candidates, former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and incumbent Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt.

A total of 10 candidates had entered the pool of candidates for the conservative party leadership and the office of prime minister. Last week, the selection narrowed down to Johnson and Hunt, with the topic of Brexit terms dominating the campaign.

Johnson, a Brexit proponent, launched his "Back Boris" campaign earlier in June, pledging to deliver "a sensible, orderly Brexit" by October 31 deadline. Hunt initially campaigned for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union, but then switched to saying that it would be better for London to leave without a deal by October 31 than remain any longer.

Until the candidate is chosen, Theresa May, who announced her resignation as prime minister shortly after her latest Brexit deal was rejected by the parliament, will stay in office.

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