UPDATE - China, Russia, India Should Jointly Resist Protectionism - Beijing

BEIJING (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 24th June, 2019) Beijing, Moscow and New Delhi should take steps to resist protectionism by increasing mutual trust and coordination in light of a complex situation in the international arena, Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Zhang Jun said on Monday.

Zhang has said Chinese President Xi Jinping will participate in a trilateral Russia-India-China meeting on the sidelines of this week's G20 summit in the Japanese city of Osaka.

"In the current situation, it is particularly important that the countries of this trilateral format strengthen their coordination on the most important international issues, jointly support multilateralism, resist protectionism and deepen cooperation in international affairs to make an important contribution to maintaining international peace," Zhang said at a press briefing.

Chinese Deputy Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen expressed hope that participants of the G20 summit would criticize unilateral protectionist policies conducted by some countries.

"The G20 [format] represents leading world's economies and must adopt collective measures in support of multilateralism and free trade," the official said.

Wang pointed out that the rise of protectionism was escalating trade tensions across the globe as well as hindering growth of investments and trade.

"China is ready to work jointly with other G20 member states to create an open, free, fair, predictable, transparent, stable trade and investment environment for companies and investors from all countries," the deputy commerce minister added.

The two-day G20 summit will start on Friday.

China is currently involved in a trade war with the United States, with the countries having exchanged several rounds of duties.

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