US Envoy for Ukraine Volker Says Zelenskyy Must Take on Oligarch Control of Media, Economy

WASHINGTON (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 19th June, 2019) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy must confront the oligarchs' control of the nation's economy and media in order to break free from the past, US Special Representative Kurt Volker said in congressional testimony.

"Oligarchs control a lot of economic assets, control the media.

It is going to be very difficult for [Zelenskyy] to take on that system," Volker, the US special envoy for Ukraine negotiations, told the Senate Foreign Relations committee on Tuesday. "Taking on that system is essential for Ukraine to break free of the past and take advantage of the natural resources and potential phenomenal growth within Europe."

Later during the hearing the US diplomat acknowledged that Zelenskyy has a lack of support in Ukraine's parliament on this issue.

Volker also urged the United States to support the new Ukrainian President in his fight against corruption and the oligarch system.

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