I am seeing Imran Khan no more in power in 2020: Manzoor Wassan predicts

PPP leader and king of dreams Manzoor Wassan while predicting about the arrest of PTI and GDA leaders has said that he is seeing Imran Khan flying to London rather than staying in the government in 2020

KARACHI (Pakistan Point News / Online - 12th June, 2019) PPP leader and king of dreams Manzoor Wassan while predicting about the arrest of PTI and GDA leaders has said that he is seeing Imran Khan flying to London rather than staying in the government in 2020.

Terming 2020 difficult year for government Wassan claimed that 2 ministers from PTI were in contact with PPP.

He said that Imran Khan will have to go to London under compulsion till January 2020.

The difficulties will start surfacing for PTI government from July. In the coming days ministers and PTI leaders will be arrested. GDA leaders will also be nabbed.He underlined that the current arrests and situation are the method to send PTI government packing. It will be difficult for government to get pass the budget. Difficulties will be created in budget.

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