London Still Blaming Moscow for Skripal Poisoning Regrettable - Russian Embassy Official

LONDON (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 22nd May, 2019) The fact that the UK administration continues to mention alleged Russia's involvement in the Salisbury incident without providing any evidence is regrettable, an official from the Russian embassy in the United Kingdom told Sputnik.

"The fact that the British authorities continue to [mention] the unproven involvement of Russia in poisoning [of Sergei Skripal and his daughter] ... is regrettable," the official said, commenting on the statements of UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid.

On Monday Javid said that since the attack in Salisbury the Home Office had been reviewing the laws related to "hostile state activity."

In March 2018 Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Julia, were found unconscious on a bench near a shopping center in Salisbury.

London claimed they were poisoned with a military-grade nerve agent and accused Moscow of staging the attack. Moscow has repeatedly refuted all accusations.

On Monday, the Russian embassy in the United Kingdom said it would file a new note to the UK Foreign Office asking it to confirm or deny the information that the Guardian newspaper provided in its recent report on the poisoning attack. According to the paper, the prosecution believed that Russian nationals Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, suspected by London of poisoning the Skripals, had a "backup team."

Later on Monday, a police spokesperson told RIA Novosti that the UK police continued to investigate the incident but were not going to disclose any further details or comments on the recent media report.

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