Traffic warden Asif Siddiqui who heroically rescued victims of Data Darbar attack

He managed to rescue three injured, including two children.

Islamabad (Pakistan Point News – 11th May, 2019) At least 12 people, including four policemen, were killed while 30 others injured in a suicide attack on a police van at Gate 2 of the Data Darbar, Lahore on Wednesday.

The suicide bomber had targeted a police van in the suicide attack.

A traffic warden present on the occasion set an example by heroically rescuing the injured of the blast.

This traffic warden, named Asif Siddiqui reached the site of the blast as soon as he heard the sound of the explosion.

He helped the injured without caring for his own life. Not only that, he also wished for martyrdom in the state of fasting.

Asif Siddiqui focused on injured among dead bodies and took them away from the site of the blast. He managed to rescue three injured, including two children.

Speaking to a tv channel, he said that our elite force officials died on the spot.

“One official had called for help. I took him to the car immediately and got him to hospital,” he recalled.

Asif Siddiqui said that we join the forces only to be martyred.

“I feel sad for not being among the martyred of the blast. It is a matter of pride for us to get martyred,” the warden said.

He said that I would like to give this message to terrorists that we are not afraid of such firing incidents and suicide attacks.

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The death toll in Data Darbar blast has reached to 12, as one more injured person died at Mayo Hospital on Friday.

Nine injured persons including two women are still under treatment in the hospital.

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