Settlement of Palestinian Issue Important for Global Stability - Saudi King

SHARM EL-SHEIKH (Egypt) (Pakistan Point news / Sputnik - 25th February, 2019) SHEIKH (Egypt), February 24 (Sputnik) - Settlement of the Palestinian issue is important for ensuring global stability, not only the regional one, Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud said on Sunday.

"The solution of the Palestinian issue is important for the stability of the middle East, but also for the stability of the world, particularly Europe," the king said on the sidelines of the first EU-Arab League summit in Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh.

He also valued EU efforts aimed at finding just solution of the Palestinian issue.

The relations between Israel and Palestine have been shattered for decades. Palestinians seek diplomatic recognition for their independent state on the territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which is partially occupied by Israel, and the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli government refuses to recognize Palestine as an independent political and diplomatic entity, and builds settlements on the occupied areas, despite objections from the United Nations.

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