Thales UAE intends to expand in UAE's defence and security sector: Country Director Bernard Roux

Thales, a French multinational company, intends to expand its contribution in the UAE in defence and security, as well as air and land transport

ABU DHABI, (Pakistan Point News - 22nd Feb, 2019) Thales, a French multinational company, intends to expand its contribution in the UAE in defence and security, as well as air and land transport.

"Thales is expanding its presence in the UAE," said Bernard Roux, CEO of Thales group, UAE, pointing out the launch of 'Thales Emarat Technologies', which was announced during the IDEX 2019.

Speaking to the Emirates news Agency, WAM, he said, "We have had very successful high-level meetings through our participation in IDEX," as five members of the Thales Executive Committee attended the exhibition.

Thales says that Thales Emarat Technologies is an important milestone to further its contribution to the UAE in the development of its sovereign capabilities.

The company will focus on radar, radio communications and a variety of defence aerospace technologies.

"We plan to expand this local development and the contribution of Thales Group in the UAE in all fields," he added.

He said that Thales group have been participating in IDEX for more than 25 years. "It’s really an opportunity to Thales," Roux remarked.

After over 45 years of cooperation with the UAE, he added, the exhibition showcases the Group’s innovative services.

Thales operates in more than 56 countries and offers a wide range of services in different sectors including; defence, security, air and land transportation.

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