Netanyahu Says Issue of Iran's Nuclear Program to Prevail on Agenda of Warsaw Conference

TEL AVIV (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 11th February, 2019) The upcoming security meeting on the middle East, set to be held in Warsaw, will be mainly devoted to countering Iran's nuclear program and alleged regional expansion, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday.

The two-day ministerial meeting on the Middle East, hosted jointly by the United States and Poland, is due to start in the Polish capital on Wednesday. The conference will address such issues as terrorism and extremism, missile proliferation, and security and stability in the Middle East.

"This week I will leave for the peace and security conference in Warsaw. I will meet there with US Vice President Mike Pence, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and additional leaders.

The first issue on the agenda is Iran - how to continue preventing it from entrenching in Syria, how to thwart its aggression in the region and, above all, how to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons," Netanyahu said at a Cabinet meeting, as quoted by his press service.

On January 11, Pompeo said that the meeting would also address Iran in the context of making sure it did not constitute a "destabilizing influence" in the region. Iran was not among the countries invited to the meeting.

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on January 22 that it would refrain from participating in the Warsaw conference, calling the meeting a US "political project" aimed at promoting Washington's geopolitical interests within the international community.

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