Russian Foreign Ministry Says US Has No Plans to Change Policy on Yemen

The United States is providing military support for the Arab coalition in Yemen and has no plans to change its policy, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday in a statement.

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 09th November, 2018) The United States is providing military support for the Arab coalition in Yemen and has no plans to change its policy, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday in a statement.

The Russian ministry said that the situation in Yemen had recently significantly escalated, especially near the port of Al Hudaydah, despite the US calls on the parties to the conflict to end hostilities within a month. The ministry pointed out that the United States continued to provide military support for the Saudi-led coalition.

"So far, everything indicates that the American side is not going to change its policy on Yemen, while the direct participants of the armed confrontation in this country continue to rely on the resolution of the existing differences by force," the statement said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry added that Moscow remained committed to the peaceful settlement of the Yemeni conflict.

Yemen has been in a state of conflict, with the government headed by President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi fighting the Houthi movement.

The Yemeni government is backed by the Saudi-led coalition of mostly Persian Gulf nations that has been carrying out operations targeting Houthi-controlled areas since March 2015.

The situation in Yemen deteriorated further in June when the Saudi-led coalition launched an offensive to seize Al Hudaydah, a key port city for delivering humanitarian aid, from the Houthis.

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