ADP explores Swedish experience in traffic control

The Abu Dhabi Police, ADP, explored Sweden’s experience in promoting traffic safety and limiting traffic accidents.

ABU DHABI, (Pakistan Point News - 08th Nov, 2018) The Abu Dhabi Police, ADP, explored Sweden’s experience in promoting traffic safety and limiting traffic accidents.

It made this assessment during a meeting between Major General Salem Shaheen Al Nuaimi, Director of the Command Affairs Division of the ADP, and Henrick Lander Holm, Swedish Ambassador to the UAE, who was accompanied by a Swedish delegation, whose members work for companies that specialise in e-systems and artificial intelligence, AI.

During the meeting, which took place at the ADP General Command headquarters, both sides discussed several issues of mutual concern related to policing, security and smart systems, as well as their role in promoting traffic safety and reducing the number of fatal accidents.

Major General Al Nuaimi was briefed by the delegation on ways of benefitting from the expertise and practices of Sweden, which is one of the leading countries in the area of traffic safety.

The presentation by the delegation included the role of mobile radars, the development of yellow box infrastructure, an optical signal control using AI.

Al Nuaimi praised the positive results achieved by Sweden in promoting traffic safety and reducing accidents while highlighting the importance of exchanging expertise and coordinating with specialists from the ADP, to promote future cooperation.

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