EU Expresses Condolences Over Attack on Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Slams Anti-Semitism

MOSCOW/VIENNA (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 28th October, 2018) The European External Actions Service (EEAS) expressed condolences late on Saturday over the attack on the synagogue in the US city of Pittsburgh and slammed the upsurge of anti-Semitism and hatred around the world.

"Today's attack in Pittsburgh shows the magnitude of a wave of antisemitism and racism that is spreading in many countries. The European Union expresses its sincere condolences to the families and friends of those affected by today's attack, as well as to the US authorities," EEAS' press service said in a statement.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has also expressed condolences over the deadly attack in the United States.

"I am deeply shocked by this awful anti-Semitic crime in Pittsburgh, which I strongly condemn. My condolences to the relatives and friends of the victims in these difficult hours. We must do everything to resolutely overcome anti-Semitism," Kurz wrote on Twitter.

A gunman opened fire on Saturday inside a synagogue in Pittsburgh in the US state of Pennsylvania, killing 11 people and injuring six others, according to the US authorities. FBI official Robert Allan Jones said that the suspect had been armed with what appeared to be an assault rifle and at least three handguns.

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