FNC Speaker receives official invitation to visit China

Dr. Amal Abdullah Al Qubaisi, Speaker of the Federal National Council, FNC, received an official invitation from Xi Jinping, President of China, to visit Beijing, as head of an FNC delegation.

ABU DHABI, (Pakistan Point News - 29th Aug, 2018) Dr. Amal Abdullah Al Qubaisi, Speaker of the Federal National Council, FNC, received an official invitation from Xi Jinping, President of China, to visit Beijing, as head of an FNC delegation.

She received the invitation, at the FNC’s headquarters in Abu Dhabi, while meeting with Ni Jian, Ambassador of China to the UAE, with the attendance of Ahmed Shabib Al Dhaheri, Secretary-General of the FNC.

During the meeting, both sides discussed several issues of mutual interest, especially on a parliamentary level, as well as the solid relations between both countries.

Dr. Al Qubaisi stressed the importance of improving the parliamentary relations between the FNC and the Chinese National People's Congress, through establishing a parliamentary friendship committee that aims to strengthen their relations, coordinate their stances, discuss various issues and offer suggestions, to meet the ambitions of both countries and their peoples.

Dr. Al Qubaisi also highlighted the role of parliamentarians and parliamentary diplomacy in strengthening the communication between countries, peoples, civilisations and cultures, especially in light of the region’s political conditions and the international terrorist acts committed by various militias with political agendas, which aim to distort the true image of islam.

She then highlighted China’s international stature and the UAE’s position as a key economic, commercial and cultural gateway to the region.

Ni Jian affirmed the importance of Al Qubaisi’s visit while describing the relations between the UAE and China as historic, strategic and exceptional.

He praised the UAE’s safe environment, which is an example of an advanced country with coexistence, tolerance and international communication. He also valued the FNC’s role in strengthening the parliamentary relations between the two countries through parliamentary diplomacy.

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