Emirates Charitable Association distributes sacrificial meat to 4,200 families

RAS AL KHAIMAH, (Pakistan Point News - 28th Jun, 2023) The Emirates Charitable Association distributed 1,050 sacrificial meat to 4200 families inside the country and abroad in 2023.

Abdullah Saeed Al Tunaiji, Secretary-General of the Association, said that 210 items of sacrificial meat were distributed to 840 families inside the country, including families of orphans, widows, people with limited income, and groups registered as deserving of humanitarian aid and registered in the association’s lists inside the emirate.

The philanthropic organisation also distributed 840 items of sacrificial meat to 3,360 needy families outside the country, he added.

Al Tunaiji emphasised that the distribution process was in line with the country's directives and the safety procedures followed in cooperation with the approved associations.

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