Putin Says Ukrainian Offensive Started, Kiev Uses Strategic Reserves

The Ukrainian offensive in the special military operation zone has started as Kiev is using its strategic reserves, Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters on Friday

SOCHI (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 09th June, 2023) The Ukrainian offensive in the special military operation zone has started as Kiev is using its strategic reserves, Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters on Friday.

"Firstly, it can be stated with absolute certainty that the counteroffensive has begun and this is proved by the use of strategic reserves," Putin said, adding that the Ukrainian forces have failed to reach their goals "thanks to courage" shown by Russian troops.

According to Putin, the Ukrainian armed forces have suffered significant losses in recent days that are "higher than usual."

"As to whether the (counteroffensive) bogged down or not, it can be said that all counteroffensive attempts made so far have failed. But the offensive potential of the troops of the Kiev regime still remains," the Russian president said.

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