UPDATE - US Turns Blind Eye to Ukraine No Longer Hiding Its Terrorist Actions - Russian Embassy

WASHINGTON (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 18th May, 2023) The United States turns a blind eye to the fact that Ukraine is no longer hiding its terrorist actions, the Russian Embassy in Washington said in a statement.

"The recent reaction by the US State Department's representatives regarding their alleged ignorance about the statements of the leadership of the Ukrainian military intelligence about the involvement of the Kiev regime in the murders and attempts on Russian journalists is outrageous," the embassy said.

"Washington prefers to turn a blind eye to the fact that Kiev, having secured all-round American support, no longer hides its terrorist actions. Pumping weapons, intelligence, money into Ukraine, as we can see, does not stop," it said.

The embassy said the US allows itself to talk about whether or not to designate Russia as a country sponsoring terrorism.

"At the same time, the U.S. allows itself to talk about whether or not to designate Russia, which is fighting Nazism in its most extreme manifestations, as a "country, sponsoring terrorism." What an exceptional hypocrisy!" it said.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday declined to rule out the possibility of the United States designating Russia a state sponsor of terrorism, following questioning on the matter by Sen. Lindsey Graham.

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