DCT Abu Dhabi organises 100 activities during UAE Reading Month 2023

ABU DHABI, (Pakistan Point News - 01st Mar, 2023) MAKTABA, affiliated with the Department of libraries of the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi), is organising more than 100 literary activities to promote reading as a lifestyle and a mean of enriching knowledge among the various communities in Abu Dhabi.

In celebration of UAE Reading Month observed every year in March, MAKTABA's programme will include events, interactive workshops, educational programmes, seminars, reading workshops, and competitions, targeting children, students, teenagers, academics, the elderly, and People of Determination.

This year, MAKTABA will launch the "Let's Read Together" initiative, through which a selection of books from all genres appropriate for all age groups will be made available for public reading and discussion in book clubs and other events hosted by MAKTABA.

Shaikha Al Muhairi, Library Management Department Director, Culture Sector at DCT Abu Dhabi, said, "UAE Reading Month is an annual occasion that reflects the wise leadership's vision to build an educated generation that can drive tomorrow's social, scientific, and cultural development. This month is a great opportunity for us to work closely with our government and private sector strategic partners to offer cultural programmes that suit all social groups.


Participants will enjoy various activities like storytelling in both Arabic and English, poetry readings, meetings with authors, and creative reading workshops. MAKTABA will also organise a cultural week for adults to promote reading among employees of institutions and companies.

Held across DCT Abu Dhabi's library branches, MAKTABA's programme will cover literary, cultural, scientific, and educational topics.

MAKTABA is also designing programmes to encourage children to read and train their imagination. MAKTABA will also organise theatrical performances on the cultural and historical heritage of Abu Dhabi to enhance children's national identity and pride in the Arabic language.

The programme will also include awareness workshops targeting teachers to help them manage learning difficulties faced by students. MAKTABA will hold lectures, seminars, dialogue sessions, and literary evenings tailored to adults and parents starting from the last week of Reading Month and running through the third week of the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Writers like Mona Al-Nawfali, Maryam Al Ketbi, and Amer Al Mahri, along with poets like Najat Al Dhaheri and Afra Atiq, will participate in these activities. Director Khadijah Kudsi and Samia Ghobash, journalist and media trainer, will also participate in these sessions.

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