Kremlin Says Role of Mozart Private Military Company in Ukraine Should Not Be Exaggerated

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 02nd February, 2023) The role of the Mozart private military company (PMC) in the Ukrainian conflict should not be exaggerated, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday, commenting on reports that the group had terminated its activity in Ukraine.

The Strana.

ua news portal reported earlier in the week, citing Andrew Milburn, the founder of the military group, that the Mozart company had terminated its activity in Ukraine, though its members would continue to fight on the side of the Ukrainian forces under a new name.

"To be honest, I advise not to exaggerate the role of this PMC. We are not aware of any valuable role that the PMC with this name has played (in Ukraine)," Peskov told journalists.

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