French President Announces $102Mln in Aid for Moldova

PARIS (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 22nd November, 2022) Moldova will receive a new package of international financial assistance of over 100 million Euros ($102 million), French President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday.

"To answer the urgent needs of Moldova, we decided to allocate an exclusive aid package amounting to more than 100 million euros," Macron said, following the third meeting of the Moldova Support Platform organized by EU countries in Paris.

According to the president, 10 million euros will be allocated by the end of this year in the form of subsidies for the World Food Programme in order to ensure access for refugees in Moldova to heat, food and education.

Moldovan President Maia Sandu said earlier in the day that she predicted a deepening of the economic and energy crises in the country. According to Sandu, the critical situation in the republic is the result of hostilities in Ukraine. Sandu also drew attention to the fact that Chisinau has received over 650,000 Ukrainian refugees.

The impoverished eastern European country has been struggling with insufficient energy supplies and soaring living costs, which have prompted thousands to take to the streets this fall to demand the government's resignation.

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