G7 Intends to Allocate Some $31.1Bln in Large-Scale Assistance to Ukraine - Reports

G7 coutnries intend to provide large-scale financial support to Ukraine in the amount of about 30 billion euros ($31.1 billion), Germany's magazine Der Spiegel reported on Friday, citing sources

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 13th May, 2022) G7 coutnries intend to provide large-scale financial support to Ukraine in the amount of about 30 billion Euros ($31.1 billion), Germany's magazine Der Spiegel reported on Friday, citing sources.

The group is expected initiate this assistance at the meeting of G7 finance ministers in Germany's Petersberg next week, the news outlet added.

This amount of funds is calculated provided for that the hostilities will be completed within a year, Der Spiegel said.

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