WHO Calls for Protection of Nationals Rather Than for Lockdowns - Director General

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 02nd February, 2022) The World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday said it is not calling on countries to re-introduce lockdowns, but it calling on them to protect their nationals against COVID-19 by using all necessary measures.

"We are not calling on countries to return on so-called locked down.

But we are calling on all countries to protect their people by using every tool in their toolkit. Not vaccines alone. It is premature for every country either to surrender or to declare victory," WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a virtual press conference on the latest global developments of COVID-19.

Adhanom Ghebreyesus stressed that the virus continues to evolve "before our eyes" and noted that WHO is currently studying four mutations of the Omicron, including the one designated BA.2.

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