New Bundestag to Hold First Meeting on October 26 - Press Service

The new convocation of the lower house of the German federal parliament will hold its first meeting on October 26, following the elections of the president and vice-presidents of the legislature, the press service of the Bundestag said on Tuesday

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 12th October, 2021) The new convocation of the lower house of the German Federal parliament will hold its first meeting on October 26, following the elections of the president and vice-presidents of the legislature, the press service of the Bundestag said on Tuesday.

On September 26, Germany held elections to the Bundestag, which marked the end of Angela Merkel's sixteen years in office, who previously announced she would not be running to renew her mandate.

"The election of the Presidium will take place on 26 October. The President and Vice-Presidents of the German Bundestag are elected during the constituent sitting, the very first time the new parliament meets following the elections," the parliament's press release said.

Following elections to the Bundestag on September 26, the parties will now begin negotiations for a possible coalition formation. According to preliminary data, the largest number of seats will be held by the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) who won the elections 206 deputies. The conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian ally, the Christian Social Union (CSU), will consist of 196 representatives, while the Greens managed to secure 118 places.

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