UPDATE - Number of COVID-19 Cases in Brazil Rises by 13,957 to Over 20.36Mln - Ministry of Health

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 16th August, 2021) The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Brazil has increased by 13,957 to 20,364,099 within the past 24 hours, the national Ministry of Health said on late Sunday.

According to the ministry, the death toll has risen by 270 to 569,058 people within the same period of time.

More than 19.21 million patients have recovered since the start of the outbreak.

A day earlier, the country confirmed 31,142 new coronavirus cases, with 926 fatalities.

Brazil comes second in terms of the death toll following the United States with more than 621,000 fatalities, and third in terms of the number of confirmed cases after the US and India.

The World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic on March 11, 2020. To date, more than 207.13 million people have been infected with the coronavirus worldwide, with over 4.36 million fatalities, according to Johns Hopkins University.

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