Claims That Russia Uses Energy Cooperation With EU to Reach Political Goals False -Grushko

Accusations claiming that Russia makes attempts to use energy cooperation with the European Union for political purposes are false, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said on Tuesday

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 08th June, 2021) Accusations claiming that Russia makes attempts to use energy cooperation with the European Union for political purposes are false, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said on Tuesday.

"Unfortunately, it turned out that this area [energy] also turned out to be super-politicized, there was talk about the use of energy by Russia as an instrument of political and even hybrid influence. Of course, all this is not true. And many of the problems that need to be solved in our relations must be solved first of all by starting the movement towards common sense," Grushko said at the Primakov Readings forum.

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