Dutch Media Claims Russian Hackers Hit Police Servers During MH17 Investigation

Dutch newspaper Volkskrant released a sources-based report on Tuesday claiming that Russian intelligence obtained access to Dutch police systems at the time of the Malaysian Boeing crash investigations in 2017

AMSTERDAM (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 08th June, 2021) Dutch newspaper Volkskrant released a sources-based report on Tuesday claiming that Russian intelligence obtained access to Dutch police systems at the time of the Malaysian Boeing crash investigations in 2017.

The publication comes as a Dutch court begins its hearing on the merits of the MH17 flight crash case on Monday.

According to the report, hacker group Cozy Bear, which is allegedly linked to the Russian security service, accessed the police network. The breach was reportedly discovered by the Dutch intelligence service AIVD, while the police didn't notice he cyberattack at the time, the Vokskrant said.

The incident purportedly caused panic during the investigations into the crash, though it is unknown if the hackers managed to access relevant data.

The AIVD and the police refused to respond to the Volkskrant's inquiry about the hack.

The Malaysian Boeing bound to Kuala Lumpur crashed in July 2014 while flying over a conflict zone in eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 people aboard. An international group of investigators claims that the plane was downed by a Buk missile belonging to the Russian armed forces. Moscow has repeatedly denied the allegations. Though Russia offered help in the investigation, it was denied access to the probe.

The trial of four suspects in the case, three Russian citizens and one Ukrainian citizen, began in early March 2020 in the Netherlands.

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