China to Provide Palestine With Emergency Humanitarian Aid

China's government will supply urgent humanitarian aid to Palestine, Tian Lin, the China International Development Cooperation Agency spokesman, said on Friday

BEIJING (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 21st May, 2021) China's government will supply urgent humanitarian aid to Palestine, Tian Lin, the China International Development Cooperation Agency spokesman, said on Friday.

"On May 20, the Chinese government has launched the mechanism of urgent response to providing humanitarian aid to help the government and people of Palestine in coping with the emergency humanitarian crisis and show a spirit of international humanism," the statement, published in Chinese social network WeChat, said.

According to it, China will provide the aid as soon as possible in compliance with Palestine's demands to help them in giving medical treatment for victims and resettling those who lost their homes.

Clashes in East Jerusalem in early May led to the worst violence between Israel and Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in recent years. Palestinian militants have launched several thousand rockets toward Israel. In response, Israel has fired retaliatory strikes against Gaza. According to the latest information, 12 people were killed in Israel and over 50 were seriously wounded. The number of victims in Palestine has topped 200.

On Thursday, Israel and Palestinian militants agreed to a ceasefire, brokered by Egypt.

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