Modi Thanks Putin for Russia's Support to India, 'Symbol of Our Enduring Partnership'

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for Moscow's prompt assistance in India's fight against escalating coronavirus epidemic, the Indian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 28th April, 2021) Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for Moscow's prompt assistance in India's fight against escalating coronavirus epidemic, the Indian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

Earlier in the day, the Kremlin said that the Russian Emergencies Ministry would promptly deliver more than 22 tonnes of anti-coronavirus equipment and drugs to India.

"Prime Minister Modi thanked President Putin and noted that the prompt Russian support to India was a symbol of our enduring partnership," the statement says.

Modi also conveyed appreciation for Moscow's support for Indian space program Gaganyaan and the completion of the Russian phase of training of the country's four astronauts.

"The leaders noted the scope for increasing cooperation in the area of renewable energy, including the Hydrogen economy," it also said.

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