UK Launches New Alliance to Prevent Future Global Pandemic

The UK government will launch on Tuesday at a G7 virtual meeting a new public-private partnership between industry, international organizations and leading experts with the aim of saving lives from future diseases and preventing another global pandemic, the UK government announced

LONDON (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 20th April, 2021) The UK government will launch on Tuesday at a G7 virtual meeting a new public-private partnership between industry, international organizations and leading experts with the aim of saving lives from future diseases and preventing another global pandemic, the UK government announced.

According to the official statement, the Pandemic Preparedness Partnership (PPP), to be chaired by the UK's government chief scientific adviser Patrick Vallance, will provide recommendations for delivering ambitious targets to more quickly develop vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics through greater global co-operation on research and development, manufacturing, clinical trials and data-sharing.

"As G7 President, the UK is determined to work with our partners to build back better from coronavirus and strengthen global preparedness for future pandemics," Health Minister Matt Hancock, was quoted as saying ahead of the two-day virtual ministerial meeting of the bloc made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The PPP, whose steering group includes representatives of several universities, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GSK, will present G7 leaders attending the in-person summit scheduled to be held in Cornwall, England, in June, a roadmap outlining the steps the group could take to protect people against future pandemics.

The UK government also announced that an additional 16 million ($22.3 million) will be allotted to finance global vaccine manufacturing capacity and critical research and development to respond as quickly as possible to the threat posed by the new COVID-19 strains.

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