Russia Ready to Share Technology on Production of COVID-19 Vaccines With EU - Chizhov

BRUSSELS (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 01st February, 2021) Russia is ready to share its technology on the production of vaccines against the coronavirus with the European Union, Russia's Permanent Representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov told Sputnik.

"As for Russian developments, we are not imposing them on anyone, we don't have the goal of dynamically promoting this or that drug to foreign markets. First of all, we need to vaccinate our own population. However, we are ready to share, not only the vaccines already made, but, and this is very important, the production technology," Chizhov said.

He added that Russian production facilities have their limits and there is not a single country that can produce enough vaccines for the entire world.

"That's why we are offering a trial batch to countries expressing interest. They can test it, as they say, up and down, and if they like it, we can agree on organizing the production of the vaccine on their territory," Chizhov told Sputnik.

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