Moscow Hopes Pakistan Will Purchase Batch of Russian Coronavirus Vaccine Sputnik V

Russia maintains continuous contact with Pakistan on the potential delivery of the Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19 and hopes that Islamabad will purchase a batch of the Russian vaccine, Zamir Kabulov, the head of the foreign ministry's second Asian department, told Sputnik in an interview

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 12th January, 2021) Russia maintains continuous contact with Pakistan on the potential delivery of the Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19 and hopes that Islamabad will purchase a batch of the Russian vaccine, Zamir Kabulov, the head of the foreign ministry's second Asian department, told Sputnik in an interview.

"We are in regular contact with Pakistani partners who express interest in Russia's Sputnik V and other foreign vaccines. We hope that Islamabad will eventually opt for purchasing a batch of this vaccine in particular," Kabulov said.

On December 8, a Pakistani prime minister's aide, Faisal Sultan, said his country was in talks with Russia and China on procuring their vaccines.

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