Ukraine Pro-Presidential Party Chief Expects Biden to Take Tougher Position Toward Russia

KIEV (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 10th December, 2020) The head of the Ukrainian pro-presidential party Servant of the People, Oleksandr Kornienko, expressed hope that US Democrat Joe Biden, elected, according to preliminary data, as US president, would take a tougher stance towards Moscow.

Kornienko said it was generally accepted that Democrats were "oriented to tougher actions."

"And we also expect Mr.

Biden to probably take a tougher position, to help us in the negotiations that are underway," he said on the Ukraine 24 tv channel.

Kornienko said he believed the summit of the Normandy format leaders (Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France) would not take place by the end of the year.

Presidential elections were held in the United States on November 3. Preliminarily, Biden won them. Incumbent President Donald Trump has not admitted defeat yet.

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