Small Body of Syrian Constitutional Committee Shows Little Result So Far - Moscow Platform

The small body of the Syrian Constitutional Committee (SCC) has not made much progress so far, leader of the People's Will Party and of Moscow opposition platform, Qadri Jamil, said Monday

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 07th December, 2020) The small body of the Syrian Constitutional Committee (SCC) has not made much progress so far, leader of the People's Will Party and of Moscow opposition platform, Qadri Jamil, said Monday.

"What can I say about the results of the 4th round of the Syrian Constitutional Committee? The only result of this round was the decision on the date of the 5th round. There has not been any other result. In one word, the small body of the SCC until now has failed to reach any result. ... There has been no progress during all four rounds of the SCC," the opposition figure told a press conference.

The next meeting of the committee should result in concrete decisions on changes to the constitutions, he continued.

"On both sides, there are people who do not want any decision. These are the representatives of the government who want the SCC work to last forever. But also there are some opposition members who want to cancel Resolution 2254 by protracting the work of the SCC," the leader of the Moscow platform said.

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