Russia to Update Radiation Safety Norms in 2021 - Lawmaker

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 01st December, 2020) Russia will adopt updated radiation safety norms next year, lower house lawmaker Gennadii Onishсhenko said Tuesday.

"The norms of radiation safety [NRB] are currently established by the NRB-99 [document] of 2009 ... We are currently working [on updated norms] based on newer information.

I think that the NRB will be approved soon, but they all will be tightened," Onishсhenko said at a press conference at the Moscow-based Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, adding that the norms will be approved "in the coming year."

The NRB-99 outlines radiation dose limits for various groups under the Federal law on the radiation safety of the population.

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