Twitter Covers Content of 3 More Trump's Election Tweets for Being Potentially Misleading

WASHINGTON (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 05th November, 2020) Twitter on Wednesday covered the content of three more messages posted by US President Donald Trump for being potentially misleading because in them he accused his political opponents of manipulating the 2020� election results.

"Some or all of the content shared in this tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process," Twitter said of its decision to cover the text of the messages with a warning of a misleading content, but allowing readers the option to click and see the message.

In one tweet, Trump complained that in many key US states - almost all of which are controlled by the Democrats - his solid lead started to disappear after "surprise ballot dumps were counted.


Trump characterized the occurrence as "very strange" and noted that the pollsters got the results completely and historically wrong.

In another tweet, Trump said the Democrats are working hard to make up his 500,000 vote lead in Pennsylvania disappear as soon as possible, adding that this is the case in Michigan and other states.

Trump and other Republicans have frequently complained that Twitter and other social media platforms have engaged in censorship and information suppression.

Trump has secured 213 electoral votes of the 270 necessary to win the presidency, while his Democratic challenger has secured 238 electoral votes.

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