Lawyers of Russian Businessman Prigozhin File Lawsuits Against Navalny to Protect Dignity

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 13th October, 2020) Lawyers of Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin have started filing lawsuits against opposition figure Alexey Navalny and his allies in a bid to protect honor and dignity, Prigozhin's company Concord said on Tuesday.

"Concord press service informs you that Yevgeny Prigozhin's lawyers have drafted and have already started filing lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation against the following citizens: Alexey Navalny, Lyubov Sobol, Leonid Volkov, Maksim Shevchenko and Vladimir Milov," the company said in a statement.

The decision to file lawsuits was made in light of "offensive statements against the businessman, which contained slanderous information."

"The goal of proceedings on these lawsuits is to force the above-mentioned citizens to respect other people's rights and legal interests," Concord added.

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