Pelosi, Mnuchin Discuss Aid for US Airlines After Trump Halts COVID-19 Relief Talks

US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is trying to negotiate with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a narrower COVID-19 stimulus deal to help struggling airlines, after President Donald canceled talks over a larger bill, Congress spokesperson Drew Hammill said Wednesday

WASHINGTON (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 07th October, 2020) US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is trying to negotiate with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a narrower COVID-19 stimulus deal to help struggling airlines, after President Donald canceled talks over a larger bill, Congress spokesperson Drew Hammill said Wednesday.

"Speaker Pelosi & Secretary Mnuchin spoke by phone at 9:33 a.m" Eastern US time, Hammill said via Twitter. "The Secretary inquired about a standalone airlines bill. The Speaker reminded him that Republicans blocked that bill on Friday & asked him to review the DeFazio bill so that they could have an informed conversation."

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