Pakistani Man Jailed For Shouting Allah Hu Akbar In Emirates Flight


Pakistani man jailed for shouting Allah Hu Akbar in emirates flight

Barmingham, (Pakistan Point News - 4th july, 2016) : A Pakistani man who shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ during turbulence on a Birmingham-bound emirates flight earlier this year has been jailed for ten weeks at Birmingham Crown Court. Shehraz Sarwar, who was arrested for using threatening words and behavior on the plane, threw food and towels around causing uproar in the aircraft as people feared a terrorist attack. Prosecuting Sarwar in Birmingham Crown Court, Patrick Sullivan QC told the Birmingham Mail, “The behavior before these words was offensive.

He fell asleep for about three quarters of the flight and when he woke up he threw a towel back at a member of staff who had offered him one. He also threw a scone behind him although it did not land on anyone.”“He was also hitting his head with his hand. People were distressed and upset by his behavior,” Sullivan added. He said, “There was terrible turbulence during the flight and some passengers were very frightened. Sarwar, a resident of Birmingham, pleaded guilty to the charges. His lawyer, Balbir Singh, said he had been affected by the death of his grandmother and hadn’t taken his medication. “The heavy turbulence also provoked him,” his lawyer said.