Hydrogen sulfide emissions 15 times greater than maximum permissible levels have been registered in the Russian city of Omsk following laboratory analysis conducted by the the Ministry of Natural Resources, regional prosecutors said on Friday, adding that an investigation is underway
OMSK (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 31st July, 2020) Hydrogen sulfide emissions 15 times greater than maximum permissible levels have been registered in the Russian city of Omsk following laboratory analysis conducted by the the Ministry of Natural Resources, regional prosecutors said on Friday, adding that an investigation is underway.
"Based on the results of atmospheric air sampling analysis conducted by the Omsk branch of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, on July 29, 2020, in Omsk, the maximum level of permissible hydrogen sulfide emissions was exceeded by 1.13 times, and by 14.88 times in the northwestern industrial region," prosecutors said.
Following these findings, the regional branch of Russia's environmental watchdog Rosprirodnadzor, has been instructed to carry out a full investigation of the incident and to find the parties responsible for the emissions, the prosecutor's office said
Prosecutors in Omsk have already begun criminal proceedings against an asphalt factory which is deemed to be a major source of air pollution in the city after local residents filed numerous complaints.