New Ebola Treatment Center To Be Built In Eastern DRC - Ministry Of Health

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 21st August, 2018) A new ebola treatment facility will be built in the province of Ituri in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the country's Ministry of Public Health said Monday in a press release.

"A new Ebola Treatment Center (ETC) will be built in Makeke, Mandima Health Zone in Ituri Province. During the last visit of the Minister of Health to Mangina, the epicenter of the epidemic, it was found that the 50-bed ETC installed by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) was filling up rapidly and could no longer accommodate additional patients given the rapid increase in confirmed and suspected cases that had to be taken on," the press release read.

The decision was made to build the second center in the area, but, due to people's demands and the lack of space in Mangina, neighboring Makeke, where confirmed cases of ebola were also recorded, was chosen as a site for the new facility.

The Makeke center will be managed by the Ministry of Health and the International Medical Corps (IMC).

As of Sunday, 96 cases of hemorrhagic fever had been reported, with 69 of them confirmed and 27 considered probable.