Poor Sleeping Habits Linked To Heart Disease

Poor sleeping habits linked to heart disease

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Sep, 2016 ) : Sleep irregularities may be tied to health problems such as diabetes and obesity that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Risk may go up when people get too little sleep, or too much, according to a statement from the American Heart Association, Health news reported. "We do not know the optimal amount of sleep needed to minimise the risk of heart disease, but people who get less than seven hours a night or more than nine hours may be more at risk than their peers who fall somewhere in the middle of that range," said lead statement author Dr Marie St-Onge, of Columbia University in New York City.

Previous research suggests that sleep irregularities can increase people's risks for a variety of cardiovascular disorders, such as clogged or hardened arteries, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and stroke, as well as metabolic problems such as high cholesterol, obesity and diabetes that all contribute to cardiovascular disease.

Bad sleep can increase the risk of obesity, which then increases the risk of sleep disorders. Much of the scientific research about sleep and heart health focuses on insomnia or sleep apnoea. People are diagnosed with insomnia when they have difficulty falling or staying asleep for at least three nights a week for three or more months.

Longer studies might also help explain how sleep variations influence cholesterol levels, diabetes, blood pressure or other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. APP/meh/bmq