Chief Justice Lahore High Court (LHC) Yawar Ali said on Monday that protecting basic human rights is the duty of the judges. He was speaking at the two-day Asia Pacific Environmental Justice Conference which begun today in Lahore with collaboration of LHC and Punjab Judicial Academy
Lahore , (Pakistan Point News - 26th Feb, 2018) Chief Justice Lahore High Court (LHC) Yawar Ali said on Monday that protecting basic human rights is the duty of the judges. He was speaking at the two-day Asia Pacific Environmental Justice Conference which begun today in Lahore with collaboration of LHC and Punjab Judicial academy. The LHC CJ maintained that environmental pollution is a major problem of the region. He urged that government and relevant authorities have to take strong measures on collective basis.
The role of Supreme Court and LHC is significant in this regard, he added. The Chief Justice told that formal rules are present to provide a healthy environment. He stressed that the safeguard of environment should be ensured on scientific basis. "Pakistan passed Environment Protection Act in 1992, organized the Bhurban Environmental Conference in 2012 where a declaration was issued for the betterment of environment. The conference is being attended by UN Special Rapporteurs on human rights and the environment John Knox, representatives of Malaysia, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and other countries. Chief Justice Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan Justice Sheikh Najam ul Hasan, Supreme Court Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah and other senior judges and lawyers were also present in the conference.