Beijing, (Pakistan Point News - 4th july, 2016) : China announced to hold military drills in the South China Sea by 2020, according to Chinese media. According to British broadcasting institute these military drills going to be held around the disputed Paracel Islands beginning this week, from Tuesday to 11th of July, 2016. It explained that the exercises would be held in an area east of Hainan Island and encompassing the Paracels, which are controlled by Beijing but also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan. The proclamation came after the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague stated that it would bring a decision in a case brought by the Philippines against China’s allege on July 12. China is constantly boycotting the hearing of this case and gave its stance that court has not and right to give judgment regarding these Islands
Military Drills In The Disputed Paracel Islands Beginning This Week
Syeda Siddra Sumreen Zahra (@syeda_siddra) 9 years ago